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Articles Posted in Business Litigation

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A business can seek an injunction to enforce a non-compete agreement before a lawsuit is completed if the business is suffering losses due to the violation of a non-compete agreement.  There are different legal standards for issuance of a temporary injunction, depending on whether the lawsuit and motion occur in federal or state court.  The federal legal standard (1) a substantial likelihood of success on the merits; (2) irreparable injury without the injunction; (3) the threatened injury to the movant outweighs whatever damage the proposed injunction may cause the opposing party; and (4) if issued, the injunction would not be adverse to the public interest.  Bloedorn v. Grub, 631 F.3d 1218 (11th Cir. 2011).  “Because preliminary injunctions are an extraordinary remedy, this relief is appropriate only if the movant clearly establishes the burden of persuasion on each element.”  Nuvasive, Inc. v. Leduff, 2019 WL 5962658 (M.D. Fla. 2019).  In addition, however, the party who obtains the injunction is required to post a bond.  Posting a bond can be expensive and may impact damages.  As a result, it should be considered when seeking or opposing an injunction.  Peter Mavrick is a Fort lauderdale non-compete attorney and business litigation attorney who has substantial experience with non-compete litigation, including injunction proceedings.

When seeking an injunction in federal court, a bond must be posted pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c).  The purpose of posting a bond is to redress costs and damages suffered by any party that is wrongfully enjoined.  Although the court has some discretion as to the amount of the bond to be posted, the amount should be enough to cover costs and damages that the enjoined party may suffer.

As an example, in North American Products Corporation v. Moore, 196 F. Supp. 2d 1217 (M.D. Fla. 2002), the District Court for the Middle District of Florida determined that an injunction should be imposed against a former employee of North American Products Corporation and Tru-Cut, a corporation the former employee started after leaving North American Products Corporation.  The former employee proceeded to compete against North American Products Corporation in violation of a non-compete agreement.  After finding that North American Products Corporation met the requirements for imposition of an injunction, the District Court held that a bond had to be posted.  To determine the amount of the bond, an evidentiary hearing was requiredThe District Court looked to the yearly revenues being earned by Tru-Cut and ordered North American Products Corporation to post a bond that would at least satisfy Tru-Cut’s annual projected revenue.  The Court set the bond at $500,000.

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Arbitration can be a useful tool to thwart unwanted litigation, and, therefore, contracting parties often include mandatory arbitration provisions in contracts to discourage unnecessary litigation. See, e.g., Lamps Plus, Inc. v. Varela, 139 S. Ct. 1407, 1412 (2019) (prohibiting employees from asserting a class action arbitration unless the class waived their right to sue in an employment agreement). However, a contracting party may not always want to pursue his/her claim in arbitration due to these same impediments. A unilateral arbitration provision can resolve this conundrum because it requires your counterpart to arbitrate while providing you with the option to seek redress through arbitration or the court system. The enforceability of these unilateral arbitration provisions has been questioned by Florida courts because they lack mutuality or may be unconscionable.  Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney who has substantial experience in representing businesses in arbitration.

Florida courts would likely determine that unilateral arbitration provisions are not void for lack of mutuality. Florida’s Fifth District Court of Appeal originally ruled that unilateral arbitration provisions are unenforceable because they lack mutual consideration. R.W. Roberts Cont. Co., Inc. v. St. Johns River Water Manag. 423 So. 2d 630, 633 (5th DCA 1982) (Upholding the trial court’s order denying a motion to compel arbitration because “each severable clause of a contract should have its own consideration or mutual obligation.”). However, the Roberts decision was rejected and overturned because contracting parties never have mutual obligations or remedies at the same time. Rohlfing v. Tomorrow Realty Auction Co. Inc., 528 So. 2d 463 (5th DCA 1988) (“The extent, scope, and application of [the mutuality] concepts were always subject to much disagreement and today can be plainly stated to largely be nothing more than a smoke screen defense… In no real sense is there ever, at any one time, any mutuality of obligation or remedy.”); see also LaBonte Precision, Inc. v. LPI Indus. Corp., 507 So. 2d 1202 (4th DCA 1987) (“Mutuality of remedy in contracts as a requirement has largely disappeared from the law of American jurisdictions.”). Therefore, it is likely that mutuality is not an barrier to enforcing a unilateral arbitration provision. But we urge caution in this regard because there is little law on the subject matter and most authorities emanates from Florida’s Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal. See Avid Engineering, Inc. v. Orlando Marketplace Ltd., 809 So. 2d 1, 3 (5th DCA 2001) (“A reasonable interpretation of the [arbitration] statute is that it allows two or more parties to arbitrate “any controversy,” including those controversies in which only one party has the right to arbitrate.”). It is therefore possible that other districts may disagree and require mutuality before the arbitration provision can be enforced.

A unilateral arbitration provision may not be unconscionable depending on the facts and circumstances giving rise to the provision. A contract provision is unconscionable when it is procedurally and substantively unconscionable. See Belcher v. Kier, 558 So.2d 1039 (Fla. 2d DCA 1990); Complete Interiors v. Behan, 558 So.2d 48 (Fla. 5th DCA 1990). Procedural unconscionability exists when the parties’ bargaining power impacts their ability to know and understand the disputed contract terms. Kohl v. Bay Colony Club Condo., Inc., 398 So. 2d 865, 868 (Fla. 4th DCA 1981) (defining procedural unconscionability as “absence of choice” due to the parties “respective bargaining powers”, “education”, and “intelligence”). Substantive unconscionability exists when the terms of the contract are so unreasonable and unfair that is would shock the conscious. Woebse v. Health Care & Ret. Corp. of Am., 977 So. 2d 630, 632 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008) (“Substantive unconscionability requires an assessment of whether the contract terms are so outrageously unfair as to ‘shock the judicial conscience.”) (internal quotations omitted). Some courts have found that unilateral arbitration provisions are always substantively unconscionable to some degree. See Palm Beach Motor Cars Ltd. Inc. v. Jeffries, 885 o. 2d 990. 992 (4th DCA 2004) (“Some substantive unconscionability was present in the arbitration agreement in this contract.”); Bellsouth Mobility LLC v. Christopher, 819 So. 2d 171 173 (4th DCA 2002) (“Moreover, the substance of the arbitration provision seems unduly unfair. Although customers are bound to arbitration, Bellsouth still has the option of pursuing court action in some instances, including the collection of a debt.”); Prieto v. Healthcare & Ret. Corp. of Am., 919 So. 2d 531, 533 (Fla. 3d DCA 2005) (finding that the contract was procedurally unconscionable and the arbitration provision was substantively unconscionable). However, other courts have found that no unconscionability (substantive or procedural) exists in unilateral arbitration provisions. See Avid Engineering, Inc., 809 So. 2d 1, 5 (5th DCA 2001) (the court ruled that the unilateral arbitration provision was not unconscionable because the contracting parties were sophisticated entities with relatively equal bargaining power that negotiated at arm’s length and each modified many terms).

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This article is the second in a two-part series on contractual “merger” or “integration” clauses (the terms merger and integration are used interchangeably).  Integration/merger clauses purport to define a contract as being limited to only what is contained in the written document signed by the parties.  This can help ensure that neither party will later claim that he was promised something as part of the deal, but that promise was not actually written into the contract terms.  Under Florida law, merger clauses are enforceable and effective ways to ensure that the parties are in complete accord as to the terms of their agreement.  Integration clauses, however, are not ironclad and there are some limitations.  Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney and Miami business litigation attorney who has extensive experience with breach of contract lawsuits and related claims.

In the context of a case involving a non-compete contract, Environmental. Services, Inc. v. Carter, 9 So. 3d 1258 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009), gave great weight to an integration/merger clause that provided in pertinent part, “[t]his Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and revokes and supersedes all prior or simultaneous representations, discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether written or oral.”  Environmental Servs. v. Carter, 9 So. 3d 1258 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009) (emphasis added). Environmental Services, Inc. v. Carter found that, “[a]lthough the existence of a merger clause does not conclusively establish that the integration of the agreement is total, it is a highly persuasive statement that the parties intended the agreement to be totally integrated and generally works to prevent a party from introducing parol evidence to vary or contradict the written terms” and “the merger clause precludes the consideration of other documents to vary the terms of the agreement.”

“That [a contract] contained a merger clause is not determinative; the law remains that ‘the existence of a merger clause does not per se establish that the integration of the agreement is total.’”  Lowe v. Nissan of Brandon, Inc., 235 So. 3d 1021 (Fla. 2d DCA 2018).  There are three types of claims concerning the completeness of an agreement that may survive a merger clause: allegations that terms are missing from patently incomplete and ambiguous agreements, allegations concerning an agreement unrelated to the agreement at issue, and allegations that there is fraud in the inducement concerning a party’s motivation to sign the contract based on representations of the opposing party.

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This article is part one in a two-part series of articles on contractual “merger” or “integration” clauses, which purport to limit the terms of a contract to the terms contained in the written document signed by the parties.  This can help ensure that neither party will later claim that he was promised something as part of the deal, but that promise was not actually written into the contract terms.  Under Florida law, merger clauses are enforceable and effective ways to ensure that the parties are in complete accord as to the terms of their agreement.  Integration clauses, however, are not ironclad and there are some limitations.

A merger clause will not prevent a court from considering whether additional terms were intended when the contract contains a patent ambiguity.  Additionally, a merger clause will not prevent a party from claiming that she entered into the agreement only due to the fraud of the other party.  Peter Mavrick is a Broward County business litigation lawyer who has extensive experience in representing the interests of businesses and business owners.

Florida courts generally will not allow litigants to enter evidence to modify the clear terms of a written contract.  This legal principle is called the “parol evidence rule.”  The Supreme Court of Florida in Florida Moss Products Co. v. City of Leesburg, 112 So. 572 (Fla. 1927), explained the parol evidence rule as follows:

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Generally, a non-compete agreement is enforceable if it is in writing, supports an employer’s legitimate business interest, and is not overly restrictive in its duration and geographical area. See Florida Statute § 542.335.  The Florida Statute governing non-compete agreements lists several public policy considerations that appear, at first blush, to be an impediment to the enforcement of employer’s enforcement of non-compete agreements. These provisions suggest that an employer might need to prove to the court that an injunction is in the public interest before the court would enforce an injunction on a non-compete agreement. However, the interests of the public and the former employee are rarely influential in proceedings to enforce a non-compete agreement in Florida state courts.  Peter Mavrick is a Miami non-compete lawyer and business litigation lawyer who has extensive experience in representing the interests of businesses and business owners.

In theory, § 542.335, Florida Statutes, provides for a few legal bases whereby a court could refuse to enforce an otherwise valid non-compete agreement.  Section 542.335(g), Florida Statutes provides that “[i]n determining the enforceability of a restrictive covenant, a court: […] [s]hall consider the effect of enforcement upon the public health, safety, and welfare.”

Further, § 542.335(i) provides that:

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Agreements in restraints of trade are generally void unless they comply with the procedures of § 542.335, Florida Statutes.  The statute requires that any agreement restraining trade, such as a non-compete or non-solicitation agreement, be supported by a “legitimate business interest.”  An agreement restraining trade can only be enforced to the extent that the agreement protects this legitimate business interest.  It is therefore critical that litigants be familiar with what qualifies as a “legitimate business interest.”  The Florida Supreme Court has established that referral sources can qualify as something that can be a protectible legitimate business interest. Peter Mavrick is a Miami non-compete attorney and business litigation attorney who has extensive experience with non-compete litigation.

Florida’s non-compete laws are very pro-employer in comparison to most of the United States. Norman D. Bishara, Fifty Ways to Leave Your Employer: Relative Enforcement of Covenants Not to Compete, Trends, and Implications for Employee Mobility Policy, 13 U. Pa. J. Bus. L.751 (Spring 2011).  Nevertheless, Florida courts will not enforce a non-compete agreement unless it strictly complies with the requirements of Florida statutes.

Under Florida law, generally, “[e]very contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce in this state is unlawful.” Fla. Stat. § 542.18.  The exception is found in the express statutory authority found in § 542.335, Florida Statutes.  In pertinent part, § 542.335, Florida Statutes provides:

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Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (“FDUTPA”), § 501.201 et seq, Florida Statutes, allows a person to sue a business for unfair competition and deceptive or unconscionable business practices.  Although the statute allows a consumer to sue a business for violations of FDUTPA, Florida appellate court decisions have also allowed some businesses to sue other businesses under FDUPTA based on consumer harm. This expansion of FDUTPA is important because it allows aggrieved parties to recover more than their damages. FDUTPA allows the Court to enter an injunction or award attorneys’ fees – types of relief that are sometimes unavailable with other causes of action.  Peter Mavrick is a Miami business litigation attorney who has extensive experience with litigating claims under FDUTPA.

FDUTPA states that “[u]nfair methods of competition, unconscionable acts or practices, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful.”  Fla. Stat. § 501.204(1). “An unfair practice ‘offends established public policy’ and … is ‘immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous or substantially injurious to consumers.’” Stewart Agency, Inc. v. Arrigo Enterprises, Inc., 266 So. 3d 207 (Fla. 4th DCA 2019). “[D]eception occurs if there is a ‘representation, omission, or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer acting reasonably in the circumstances, to the consumer’s detriment.’”  PNR, Inc. v. Beacon Prop. Mgmt., Inc., 842 So. 2d 773 (Fla. 2003).  “In any action brought by a person who has suffered a loss as a result of a violation of this part, such person may recover actual damages, plus attorney’s fees and court costs.”  Fla. Stat. § 501.211(2).

Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal in Caribbean Cruise Line, Inc. v. Better Bus. Bureau of Palm Beach County, Inc., 169 So. 3d 164 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015), held that FDUPTA is not limited to only consumer-plaintiffs.  In Caribbean, a plaintiff-business sued because the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) portrayed itself as an unbiased business rating service to the public, but in reality, BBB would improve the score of a business if the business became “accredited” – a process requiring significant payment to BBB.  BBB claimed that the plaintiff could not make a FDUTPA claim because the alleged conduct was directed towards BBB’s customers, not plaintiff’s customers.  The appellate court disagreed, finding that non-consumers could bring a FDUTPA claim as long as consumers were harmed as well, because FDUTPA had been amended to replace the word “consumers” with “persons” in § 501.211, Florida Statutes. The appellate court determined that this statutory wording change meant that FDUTPA claims could be brought by parties that were not consumers of the defendant’s goods or services.

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Florida law can protect companies when their trade secrets are stolen.  For such protections to apply, the confidential information at issue must qualify as a “trade secret” as defined by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act (“FUTSA”).  Fla. Stat. 688.001, et seq.  Generally, something can be a trade secret if derives “independent economic value from not being generally known” and the company makes a reasonable attempt to maintain the secrecy of the information.  Florida case law has helped define what kinds of confidential information qualifies for the statutory requirement of “independent economic value.”  Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney and an experienced trade secret attorney.

Trade secrets can exist in many forms.  For example, trade secrets can include confidential business process relating to the production of goods, such as a machine or formula.  Trade secrets can also “relate to the sale of goods or to other operations in the business, such as a code for determining discounts, rebates or other concessions in a price list or catalogue, or a list of specialized customers, or a method of bookkeeping or other office management.”  Summitbridge Nat. Investments LLC v. 1221 Palm Harbor, L.L.C., 67 So. 3d 448, 450 (Fla. 2d DCA 2011).   “Trade secret” is defined by FUTSA as:

Information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that:

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The Florida Arbitration Code provides businesses with flexibility in resolving their conflicts through arbitration. Arbitration is an immensely popular method of conflict resolution for Florida business litigation and employment litigation.  Arbitration can generally help resolve disputes more quickly than litigation.  However, parties to arbitration sometimes need court intervention via “provisional remedies,” i.e., a court ruling providing interim relief to protect one of the parties in a conflict before the entire dispute can be decided by the arbitrator.  Florida Statutes section 682.031(1) specifically contemplates provisional remedies before an arbitrator is appointed.  The purpose of these provisional remedies is to allow judicial intervention when there is a real emergency that cannot be easily addressed in arbitration due to delays sometimes inherent in the arbitration process.  For example, the arbitration process requires consent of all parties to proceed, and there are sometimes delays in getting the process started especially when one of the parties is uncooperative.  An emergency request for a temporary injunction, by its very nature, is exactly the type of matter that § 682.031(1) was designed to protect. Peter Mavrick is a Miami non-compete attorney and employment attorney who has extensive experience representing the interests of businesses and business owners.

The authority for a court’s ability to adjudicate a Motion for an Emergency for Temporary Injunction is found in § 682.031, Florida Statutes, which provides that:

(1) Before an arbitrator is appointed and is authorized and able to act, the court, upon motion of a party to an arbitration proceeding and for good cause shown, may enter an order for provisional remedies to protect the effectiveness of the arbitration proceeding to the same extent and under the same conditions as if the controversy were the subject of a civil action.

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A trademark owner can of course sue the business selling counterfeit copies of the trademark owner’s goods, but it may also sue other businesses that sufficiently provide products or services which the counterfeiter uses.  In Luxottica Group, S.p.A. v. Airport Mini Mall, LLC, 932 F.3d 1303 (2019), the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently confirmed that a landlord can be held liable for the trademark infringement of its tenant when the landlord has actual or constructive knowledge of a tenant’s counterfeiting activities.  Peter Mavrick is a Miami business litigation attorney who represents clients in trademark infringement litigation and other unfair competition litigation.

The Lanham Act allows trademark owners to sue businesses that “use in commerce any reproduction, copy, or […] imitation” of a mark when that use is “likely to cause confusion” with the trademark owner’s mark. 15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a); Dieter v. B & H Indus. of S.W. Fla., Inc., 880 F.2d 322 (11th Cir.1989).  In such a situation, a trademark owner can recover the profits that the infringer earned and the damages that the owner suffered due to the infringement.  15 U.S.C. § 1117(a).  When the product being sold has a mark that is “identical” or “substantially indistinguishable” from the trademark owner’s mark, it may be considered as a “counterfeit.”  15 U.S.C. § 1127.  The stakes are much higher for sellers of counterfeit products – a counterfeiter will likely be required to pay attorneys’ fees and either treble damages or statutory damages, which could be up to $2,000,000.  15 U.S.C. 1117(b)-(c).  When a business is selling counterfeits, it is not necessary to prove that the violating business was acting in bad faith.  Chanel, Inc. v. Italian Activewear of Florida, Inc., 931 F.2d 1472 (11th Cir. 1991).

A business can also be held liable for the enhanced counterfeiter penalties for supplying goods or services to counterfeiters.  Particularly, a business can be contributing to counterfeiting if it “provid[es] goods or services necessary to the commission of a [counterfeiting], with the intent that the recipient of the goods or services would put the goods or services to use in [counterfeiting].” 15 U.S.C.A. § 1117(b)(2).

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