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Articles Posted in Business Litigation

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As a business owner, ensuring that your customer list is adequately protected can often be a challenging task. Employees who have direct access to a customer list can misappropriate that information and use it to compete directly against the business. Fortunately, a business’s customer list may qualify as a trade secret to justify the enforcement of a non-compete agreement under Section 542.335, Florida Statutes. The aim is to prohibit employees from using the customer list for their own benefit. For a customer list to qualify as a trade secret, courts look at various factors, including but not limited to, the extensive work and considerable effort that went into creating the list, as well as the knowledge, time, and expense associated with its creation. Peter Mavrick is a Miami trade secret and non-compete litigation lawyer who has extensive experience with litigation involving misappropriation of business customer lists.

Simply because a business has a customer list, does not mean that list qualifies as a trade secret. When a customer list is more complex and contains information that is not easily obtainable in the public domain, it makes the content of the list more valuable. By contrast, when a customer list contains information that is easily obtainable on the open market, it is less likely that the list will qualify as a trade secret. Unfortunately, the courts have yet to establish a bright line rule when it comes to determining whether a customer list qualifies as a trade secret.

In Unistar Corp. v. Child, 415 So. 2d 733 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982), Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal analyzed a business’s customer list to determine whether it qualified as a trade secret. A former employer who was in the business of selling investment grade diamonds and gemstones to their customers through “financial planners,” sought a preliminary injunction to prevent former employees from contacting and selling to its customers. The employer alleged their customer list was a trade secret. The former employees contended, inter alia, that the employer is not entitled to a preliminary injunction because the customer list does not qualify as a trade secret since it was available to the public. The trial court denied the employer’s injunctive relief. The employer appealed.

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During discovery opposing parties request the production of relevant evidence and documents to encourage fair judicial proceedings and case settlements. Although the rules of both state and federal civil procedure are broad enough to encompass most discovery requests, not everything that a party requests is discoverable. There are certain objections and privileges that exist to protect against intrusive discovery requests. A key example of this is the trade secret privilege, which enables a party to refuse production during discovery because the evidence being sought is allegedly a trade secret. Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale trade secret litigation lawyer who has extensive experience dealing with discovery issues and disputes, including the trade secret privilege.

The trade secret privilege is addressed by Section 90.506, Florida Statutes, which states “a person has a privilege to refuse to disclose, and to prevent other persons from disclosing, a trade secret owned by that person if the allowance of the privilege will not conceal fraud or otherwise work injustice. When the court directs disclosure, it shall take the protective measures that the interests of the holder of the privilege, the interests of the parties, and the furtherance of justice require.  The privilege may be claimed by the person or the person’s agent or employee.” The Fourth District Court of Appeal was confronted with the issue of a party invoking the trade secret privilege in Am. Exp. Travel Related Services, Inc. v. Cruz, 761 So. 2d 1206, 1208 (Fla. 4th DCA 2000).

In Cruz, the plaintiff was a credit card company that sought the recovery of unpaid account charges from a former cardholder and employee. The defendant counterclaimed for damages and alleged that the credit card company had issued a supplemental credit card to a third party on her account and breached the terms of their agreement by authorizing the third party’s charges, even though she had closed her account. During discovery, the defendant requested production of the credit card company’s Internal Credit Authorizations Manual (“Manual”), the personnel files for herself and the other employees alleged to be involved in the unauthorized charges, and a report pertaining to the company’s investigation of these employees for similar misconduct. The plaintiff objected to the production of these items, and claimed the Manual was a protected “trade secret” under Section 688.002(4), Florida Statutes, otherwise known as Florida’s Uniform Trade Secrets Act. The plaintiff further objected to the production of the personnel files and investigative reports and alleged they were confidential and privileged commercial records.

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Competitive bidding is common for many businesses, including construction companies, supply companies, and retail providers, among others.  In most cases, an entity will solicit bids from competing bidders through a request for proposal (RFP) and will award a contract to the most attractive bid, which can depend on several factors.  Although competitive bidding can lead to great for results for the entity soliciting the bids and for the bidder ultimately chosen, it can also leave the unsuccessful bidders resentful.  In some cases, the losing bidder may attempt to bring an action for tortious interference with a business relationship against a person or entity they believe may have interfered with their bid.  Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney who has extensive experience defending against claims for tortious interference, and, based on such experience, know that these claims will generally be unsuccessful.

To prevail on a tortious-interference claim, the plaintiff must prove “(1) the existence of a business relationship; (2) knowledge of the relationship on the part of the defendant; (3) an intentional and unjustified interference with the relationship by the defendant; and (4) damage to the plaintiff as a result of the breach of the relationship.” Ethan Allen, Inc. v. Georgetown Manor, Inc., 647 So.2d 812 (Fla.1994).  Pursuant to the Southern District of Florida’s ruling in Duty Free Americas, Inc. v. Estee Lauder Companies, Inc., 946 F. Supp. 2d 1321 (S.D. Fla. 2013), the plaintiff is the factual scenario supra will likely be unable to demonstrate a protected business relationship sufficient to justify a claim for tortious interference.

Duty Free involves the competitive bidding process for airport duty-free stores.  Duty-free operators, such as the plaintiff Duty Free Americas, Inc. (“DFA”), generally secure space to operate duty-free stores in a particular airport via competitive bidding.  Defendant, Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. (“ELC”), is the largest manufacturer of beauty products sold in duty-free stores. Prior to June 2008, DFA and ELC had a healthy business relationship.  However, beginning in June 2008, ELC announced it would be raising its pricing, causing DFA to object and refuse to further sell ELC products.  DFA subsequently discovered that ELC ultimately did not raise its prices, and thus tried to mend its relationship with ELC, but ELC refused to continue doing business with DFA.

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To have legal recourse for the misappropriation of a trade secret under Florida law, a plaintiff must: (1) prove the existence of a trade secret; (2) prove that it took reasonable measures to protect the trade secret; and (3) demonstrate that the trade secret was misappropriated. See Del Monte Fresh Produce Co. v. Dole Food Co., Inc., 136 F. Supp. 2d 1271 (S.D. Fla. 2001). The Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act (the “Act”) protects a party’s trade secrets from “misappropriations.” Section 688.002 of the Act defines misappropriation as:

(a) Acquisition of a trade secret of another by a person who knows or has reason to know that the trade secret was acquired by improper means; or

(b) Disclosure or use of a trade secret of another without express or implied consent by a person who:

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Florida’s Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Fla. Stat. Sections 688.001-688.009 (the “Act”), prohibits the misappropriation of a business’ trade secrets even if the business does not have a non-disclosure or similar agreement with the disclosing party. Misappropriation generally includes the improper possession of, or the disclosure of, a trade secret: “misappropriation” is fully defined in section 688.002, Fla. Stat. A business’ use of a non-compete agreement or non-disclosure agreement is the best way for a business to comprehensively protect its legitimate business interests in its trade secrets. However, even if a business does not have a valid non-compete agreement with an employee or a non-disclosure agreement with anyone, the Act prohibits the misappropriation of trade secrets and, where applicable, compensates the injured party for the theft and disclosure of its trade secrets. See Unistar Corp. v. Child, 415 So. 2d 733, 735 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982) (“lack of an agreement not to disclose a trade secret is not critical on the question of whether a plaintiff may enjoin [or seek damages for] its infringement”). If you have a trade secret litigation issue, Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale trade secret litigation lawyer who will assist you.

Section 688.003 of the Act allows Florida courts to enjoin a disclosing-party’s misappropriation of a trade secret. If the disclosing-party threatens to misappropriate the trade secret or actually does, the disclosing-party may be prevented from doing so. See Barberio-Powell v. Bernstein Liebstone Associates, Inc., 624 So. 2d 383, 384 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993) (“We recognize that a threatened misappropriation of trade secrets may be enjoined”). Section 688.003 of the Act provides that “[a]ctual or threatened misappropriation [of a trade secret] may be enjoined … for a … reasonable period of time in order to eliminate commercial advantage that otherwise would be derived from the misappropriation.  Thus, even if a business believes that its trade secrets are being misappropriated, or that they will be, a court can prevent the act as long as there are facts present to support an injunction. See Unistar Corp., 415 So. 2d at 734. Moreover, such injunctions can be in effect for as long as the trade secret is commercial advantageous.

In addition to injunctive relief, section 688.004 (1) of the Act allows injured businesses to recover damages for misappropriation so long as the injured party establishes that the misappropriation actually injured it. The Act does not authorize awards of nominal damages. See Alphamed Pharm. Corp. v. Arriva Pharm., Inc., 432 F. Supp. 2d 1319, 1335 (S.D. Fla. 2006) (citing Milgrim on Trade Secrets § 15.01 (“It is fundamental that even if defendant’s actual or threatened wrongful use is established, plaintiff must nonetheless establish that such use is to plaintiff’s detriment”)). However, the Act does enable plaintiffs to recover damages for the actual loss caused by the misappropriation.  Actual losses “need only be “caused by” the misappropriation.” Premier Lab Supply, Inc. v. Chemplex Indus., Inc., 94 So. 3d 640, 646 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012). Thus, plaintiffs can measure their damage computations under a variety of methods: such as lost profits using a market share analysis, disgorgement of profits, unjust enrichment, or some other form of measurement that is casually linked to the misappropriation. Premier Lab Supply, Inc. 94 So. 3d at 645. The Act also allows for exemplary/punitive damages for “willful and malicious misappropriations” for “an amount not exceeding twice any award made under subsection (1).”688.004 (2), Fla. Stat.

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It has become common practice for businesses to include arbitration provisions within agreements.  Arbitration provides businesses a more efficient and less costly alternative to expensive, time-consuming litigation.  Normally, arbitration provisions are drafted very broadly to cover all disputes or controversies that could arise between the contractual parties, commonly using the wording “arising from” or “relating to” the contract or agreement.  Thus, anyone who signs an agreement containing such a provision will usually be required to proceed with arbitration if a contractual dispute occurs.  Often times, however, a dispute will arise and the complaining party will wish to proceed in court rather than being compelled to participate in arbitration.  To circumvent arbitration, the complaining party will attempt to argue that the contract is not valid for some reason, i.e. lack of consideration or arguing that the contract was procured by fraud.  Based on these arguments, the complaining party will assert that the contract, as well as the arbitration provision contained therein, is not enforceable.  Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorney who has defeated such arguments by arguing that courts, at both the state and federal levels, have concluded that attacking the validity of a contract does not remove a party from the scope of an arbitration provision contained therein.

The leading authority for this principle is the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision in Prima Paint Corp. v. Flood & Conklin Mfg. Co., 388 U.S. 395 (1967).  In Prima Paint, the plaintiff brought an action seeking to rescind a contract based on fraud in the inducement.  The contract contained an arbitration provision, and the Supreme Court held that the plaintiff’s action for fraud was undoubtedly encompassed by the broad wording of the arbitration provision.  In so holding, the court reasoned that if the alleged fraud related to the arbitration clause itself, then a court should resolve the issue. But if the fraud in inducement related to the whole contract which contained an agreement to arbitrate, that issue should be resolved by arbitration.

Although Prima Paint was decided under federal law, Florida courts have found its reasoning persuasive and have extended Prima Paint’s holding to contracts formed and executed in Florida.  For example, in Simpson v. Cohen, 812 So. 2d 588 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002), the Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal cited Prima Paint when holding that “[c]ontract language agreeing to arbitrate ‘[a]ny controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof ’ has been found to be broad enough to encompass a claim that the execution of an agreement itself was procured by fraud…The fraud in the inducement claim arises from the contract and relates to the other claims that the arbitrator must determine.”

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Arbitration proceedings, and their outcomes, are generally not subject to the interference or review of a court. However, Section 682.031 of the Revised Florida Arbitration Code allows courts to issue and review provisional remedies that involve parties to ongoing arbitration proceeding. Provisional remedies can protect an arbitration-party to the same extent that the party would be protected in a traditional civil action. Provisional remedies are equitable in nature and include attachment, garnishment, replevin, and temporary injunctions such as temporary restraining orders or preliminary injunctions. Peter Mavrick is a Fort Lauderdale commercial arbitration attorney who has significant experience with assessing the validity of arbitration clauses and successfully representing clients in arbitration proceedings.

If a party to an arbitration proceeding meets the statutory legal standard of “good cause” and files a motion with the court prior to the time when an arbitrator is “appointed, authorized, and able to act,” the court may enter an order for provisional remedies. The statutory purpose of the “provisional remedies” is to protect a party to an arbitration proceeding to the same degree that the party would have been protected in traditional litigation. See section 682.031(1). On the other hand, if an arbitrator is “appointed, authorized and able to act,” and can provide a timely and adequate provisional remedy, the court cannot interfere with the arbitrator’s proceedings. An arbitrator may tailor remedies to the extent “necessary to protect the effectiveness of the arbitration proceeding and to promote the fair and expeditious resolution of the controversy.” Section 682.031(2). Accordingly, if a party waits until the arbitrator is empowered to preside over the proceeding, the arbitrator will have the ultimate discretion for issuing such orders. However, if an arbitrator cannot timely enter a provisional remedy on an urgent matter or if the arbitrator lacks the authority to provide such a remedy, a party to arbitration may file a motion with the court for a provisional remedy. Section 682.031 provides one of the extremely limited circumstances when a court is authorized to usurp an arbitrator’s authority.

In stark contrast to the high degree of deference that is usually paid to an arbitrator’s ruling, courts review provisional remedy awards de novo before they are confirmed. Awards for provisional relief are only confirmed if the court determines that “the award satisfies the legal standards for awarding a party injunctive or equitable relief.” Section 682.081, Fla. Stat. Traditional arbitration awards are usually confirmed even when the arbitrator makes errors of fact or law. See Schnurmacher, 542 So. 2d at 1329 (“An award of arbitration may not be reversed on the ground that the arbitrator made an error of law”). Furthermore, the award is still subject to being vacated, modified, or corrected under sections 682.13 or 682.14, Fla. Stat. (For more information on vacating, modifying, or correcting arbitration awards, see the Mavrick Law Firm’s earlier article, FLORIDA COURTS HAVE LIMITED AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ARBITRATION AWARDS.) Thus, provisional remedies present a rare opportunity for judicial intervention in, and review of, arbitration proceedings.

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A derivative lawsuit is a lawsuit whereby a shareholder of a corporation sues a third party on behalf of the corporation. Any recovery from such lawsuits are the property of the corporation, not the shareholder who brought the lawsuit. Often times, the defendant of a derivative lawsuit will be someone close to the corporation, such as a director or corporate officer, who has allegedly engaged in, or continues to engage in, improper conduct to the detriment of the corporation. However, a shareholder cannot bring a derivative lawsuit whenever he, she, or it wishes. In Florida, derivative lawsuits are governed by § 607.07401, Florida Statutes, stating in pertinent part:

(2) A complaint in a proceeding brought in the right of a corporation must…allege with particularity the demand made to obtain action by the board of directors and that the demand was refused or ignored by the board of directors…

As such, under Florida law, a shareholder must first make a demand to the board of directors to bring the lawsuit. It is only when the board of directors refuses to bring such an action that the shareholder may file the derivative suit. In some cases, however, a shareholder may attempt to circumvent the pre-suit demand requirement by alleging it would be “futile” to bring such a demand to the board of directors. The Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorneys at the Mavrick Law Firm have successfully defended corporate officers and directors in corporate derivative actions.

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Today, many businesses are including arbitration provisions for the resolution of any disputes or controversies that may arise from the contract. This is because arbitration provides a more efficient and less costly alternative to litigation. Despite the existence of such arbitration provisions within business contracts, often times, when a dispute arises, a plaintiff will still file a lawsuit in state or federal court. The Miami arbitration attorneys at the Mavrick Law Firm have extensive commercial arbitration experience and can help businesses dismiss such lawsuits and enforce valid arbitration agreements.

When faced with the scenario supra, it is critical that the first thing the defendant-business does is assert its right to arbitration, most often via a motion to compel arbitration. This is because a party’s right to arbitrate, like any other contractual right, can be waived. Under Florida law, it is well settled that active participation in a lawsuit can waive your right to arbitrate. This was demonstrated by the Fifth District Court of Appeal’s decision Morrell v. Wayne Frier Manufactured Home Ctr., 834 So. 2d 395 (Fla. 5th DCA 2003).

In Morrell, purchasers of a mobile home brought suit against a mobile home sales company. After the purchasers filed their complaint in October 2000, the company answered and asserted affirmative defenses against the purchasers and filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, asserting that some of the plaintiff’s did not have standing to bring the lawsuit. The parties thereafter participated in a settlement conference, exchanged discovery, and trial was scheduled to occur during December 10, 2001 docket. However, in September 2001, the company submitted a motion to stay the proceedings and refer the matter to arbitration. On the eve of trial in December 2001, the trial court granted the company’s motion and referred the matter to arbitration. On appeal, the Fifth DCA reversed, explaining that “a party waives its right to arbitration by: (1) actively participating in the lawsuit; or (2) taking action which is inconsistent with the right to arbitrate.” The court found that because the company had already participated in the subject lawsuit, it had waived its right to arbitrate.

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Competitive bidding is common for many businesses, including construction companies, supply companies, and retail providers, among others. In most cases, an entity will solicit bids from competing bidders through a request for proposal (RFP) and will award a contract to the most attractive bid, which can depend on several factors. Although competitive bidding can lead to great for results for the entity soliciting the bids and for the bidder ultimately chosen, it can also leave the unsuccessful bidders resentful. In some cases, the losing bidder may attempt to bring an action for tortious interference with a business relationship against a person or entity they believe may have interfered with their bid. However, the Fort Lauderdale business litigation attorneys at the Mavrick Law Firm have extensive experience defending against claims for tortious interference, and, based on such experience, know that these claims will generally be unsuccessful.

To prevail on a tortious-interference claim, the plaintiff must prove “(1) the existence of a business relationship; (2) knowledge of the relationship on the part of the defendant; (3) an intentional and unjustified interference with the relationship by the defendant; and (4) damage to the plaintiff as a result of the breach of the relationship.” Ethan Allen, Inc. v. Georgetown Manor, Inc., 647 So.2d 812 (Fla.1994). Pursuant to the Southern District of Florida’s ruling in Duty Free Americas, Inc. v. Estee Lauder Companies, Inc., 946 F. Supp. 2d 1321 (S.D. Fla. 2013), the plaintiff is the factual scenario supra will likely be unable to demonstrate a protected business relationship sufficient to justify a claim for tortious interference.

Duty Free involves the competitive bidding process for airport duty-free stores. Duty-free operators, such as the plaintiff Duty Free Americas, Inc. (“DFA”), generally secure space to operate duty-free stores in a particular airport via competitive bidding. Defendant, Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. (“ELC”), is the largest manufacturer of beauty products sold in duty-free stores. Prior to June 2008, DFA and ELC had a healthy business relationship. However, beginning in June 2008, ELC announced it would be raising its pricing, causing DFA to object and refuse to further sell ELC products. DFA subsequently discovered that ELC ultimately did not raise its prices, and thus tried to mend its relationship with ELC, but ELC refused to continue doing business with DFA.

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